science + communication

From cutting-edge research features to science fiction, I love blending discovery and narration. Some of the best and most engaging science communication comes from the realization that science can be told as a story, and I pride myself on my ability to ground complex topics in tangible excitement. I’ve written about subjects ranging from quantum physics to lightning to the biology of sleep, though astronomy is by far my favorite.

Combined with my skillset as a legislative reporter, I am uniquely suited to cover the ways in which policy and science shape one another. In my work, I aim to investigate how the interplay between the natural world and the structures we humans create to understand it can lead to both inspiration and inequity, and I am fascinated by social responses to scientific problems.

In my spare time, find me sailing, reading, working on my sci-fi novel, or watching Star Trek

I acknowledge that I live and work on the traditional land of the Duwamish and Coast Salish Peoples, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish and Coast Salish Tribes.